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3 Simple Questions - Guerilla Marketing - Al Lautengslager New Orleans Growth Summit

It’s surprising that many of us have been in business for many years and yet have not taken the time to answer three simple questions that would make our marketing easier. Chet Holmes said the secret to success is pigheaded discipline and determination. Yet most of us fail to have the discipline to organize our day let alone prepare a plan for the future.
Would you like to improve your marketing? Here are three simple questions Al Lautenslager, co author of Guerilla Marketing in 30 Days, and author of Ultimate Guide to Direct Marketing, asked our audience to answer.
1.       What do you want your marketing to do?
2.       Who is your ideal customer?
3.       What are you an expert in?
I’ve had people tell me that they’ve read Al’s book but had difficulty applying it. Al offered you don’t have to apply it all just get started on one item, and then do another once you have one in place. 
A couple of nuggets that Al offered were to spend half of your advertising dollar on keeping your present customers. Many of us ignore this aspect of our business and chase our tail trying to just get more customers. He pointed to a customer of his who was coming to visit him and stopped at another printers shop [Al owns a printing company] on the way to his office. When he asked her what she was doing there, and she told him, he quickly informed her he did the same work. She simply hadn’t known his company did this. Often there’s more opportunity to sell more to our present customers if we just ask and make sure our customers are aware of everything we offer. Al said your best prospect is your current customer, your second best, your past customer.
Verne Harnish, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits author recommends each week you have a one hour marketing meeting. Al put this is similar words, “do you have marketing on your to do list?” he asked. 
Al spoke about competitive advantages, something we are all looking for. Look at it from your customer’s viewpoint. What’s in it for them? How will your company benefit them? Features tell, benefits sell. A competitive advantage is a benefit you offer that your competition doesn’t.   What are you company benefits and what is your competitive advantage? Do you know this? If not you can be sure your customers don’t either.
Advertising Al pointed out is a numbers game, and frequency is the key. Many of us give up to easily. We fail to plan, and thus are planning to fail. The key here is to lay out a plan and stick to it. Measure your responses and have end line in mind. Give your advertising and marketing enough time to work. If it doesn’t work, don’t throw in the towel, look for something else that will work. 
Al had a lot of examples and ideas including one creating partnerships with other business, he called a fusion marketing partner.
Ahead, some exciting insights on the economy, and why the present economic situation might be the best opportunity for your small business.

Need help implementing these ideas?

Positioning Systems helps business owners and entrepreneurs transform their business.   We provide the tools and coaching to help you take control of your business -- rather then having your business control you.