PrioritiesMONDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 2008
Answer for me today what is your #1 priority? Do you know it? Did you have to think about it, or did you just finish working on it?
No matter what size your business is, do you believe your employees know what the number one priority for the business is? Do you know? I can guarantee if you don’t know your employees won’t.
As noted in the Mastering the Rockefeller Habits book, The One Page Strategic Plan is a powerful tool to provide this. John Carney, of Carney Interactive in Virginia keeps his Top 5 corporate priorities for the quarter and the company’s eight core values on an 8 ½ by 11 laminated sheet posted inches from his employee’s noses. On this sheet is also a place for employees to write in their top 5 priorities for the quarter in order to align them with the company’s top five. [When you complete the One Page Strategic Plan, that’s exactly the outcome you will have as well.]
Keeping yourself and your company focused is the key to growth. It’s Monday. Did you wake up this morning with a clear intention and goal for your day? Did you have your priorities listed on your desk when you got to work, or did you immediately do the list before you started your day? Do you have a plan in place to know where your business is focused for the future?
Top GE executives realized several years ago that the middle is gone in looking at long term strategies. The 1st Gulf War helped them to recognize that the influence of technology was providing startling and rapidly changing impact on the world. In 90 days the landscape of your business can change dramatically. You need to have a clear focus on the immediate goals and priorities. This doesn’t mean you ignore the long term, however your goals for the long term are out far enough now that you don’t need to know how you will get there, just that you want to get there.
Focus on 3-5 years, ten years or more [Your BHAG – Big Hairy Audacious Goal] and of course your one year goal. However break these down so that you have a quarterly focus that makes it crystal clear what direction you are moving.
Short term priorities are manifested by long term, BHAG’s, your brand promise, your key thrusts and capabilities. Too many priorities mean you have no priorities. So make sure you and your team is absolutely clear on what the priorities are.
At no time in history has being aware of your priorities been more important. The speed of change in our economic environment demands that you be absolutely clear the direction you are going. Do you know your priorities and do you have the tools to stay focused on them daily? Would you like to see how the One Page Strategic Plan gets everyone in your company on the same page? Click here for a copy of the One Page Strategic Plan.
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