First Break All the Rules - The Measuring Stick
According to the book, “First Break All the Rules,” by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman, which is based on in-depth interviews by the Gallup Organization of over 80,000 managers in over 400 companies: Measuring the strength of the workplace can be simplified to twelve questions.
These twelve questions don’t capture everything you may want to know about your workplace, but they do capture the most information and the most important information. They measure the core elements needed to attract, focus, and keep the most talented employees.
- Do I know what is expected of me at work?
- Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right?
- At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?
- In the last seven days, have I received recognition or praise for doing good work?
- Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person?
- Is there someone at work who encourages my development?
- At work, do my opinions seem to count?
- Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my job is important?
- Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work?
- Do I have a best friend at work?
- In the last six months, has someone at work talked to me about my progress?
- This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow?
The tools and structure provided in our Structure Builds Momentum program will solve all but one of these questions (#10). Does your management system currently provide for the maintenance and future development of your company?