I want to make sure next year is productive. Where should I look or what should I do to make sure 2008 is successful?

Two of my clients who recently notified me of recent success, can best respond to this question. One of them set 5 goals for 2007 and emailed me earlier this month to indicate they had achieved 3 of the 5 and were making excellent progress on the remaining two. For the first time they feel they are going to break even or make a profit this year.
Another client just learned her charter school has been selected one of 12 charter schools eligible for grant funds between $700,000 and $7 Million dollars from the 2008 Charter School Growth Fund. Not only that, but despite being the school with the smallest enrollment their grant submission was selected as the Fund’s #1 choice. Jennifer believes that the tools the business development program provided and the regular discipline of coaching meetings contributed significantly to their being chosen #1. Several components they were required to provide for this grant were developed through our work together.
As noted in my previous newsletter, I’ve been learning a number of value ideas and lessons from the new coaching company I became certified with Gazelles Inc. Developer and founder, Verne Harnish, author of the book Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, notes that discipline is perhaps the most important word/activity you should focus on for 2008.
Discipline scares most people, especially entrepreneurs. In fact it’s no coincidence that 96% of all companies are less then one million in sales and have fewer than 10 employees. Entrepreneurs don’t like to manage people. Let’s face it we have all the challenges we can handle simply trying to get ourselves to do what we want let alone trying to get others to do what we want. Why would anyone want more frustrations and challenges by having more people?
Yet to achieve what you desire you need discipline. Any great business or team exhibits discipline, starting with its leader. Think of a successful business you know and please let me know if you don’t find that the leader and the business itself isn’t a disciplined well oil machine.
If it’s discipline that you fear, then think in terms of routines. Most of us already have routines. Simple ones like brushing your teeth in the morning are habits we’ve learned from youth.
Here are some questions to determine how disciplined you are. Have you set your goals for 2008? Have you created a budget for 2008? Have you set a learning and growth goal for 2008?
Are you still living in the industrial age or have you fully embraced the information age that we are in? If you haven’t set learning and growth goals for 2008 then you truly have not recognized the pace that change is sweeping around us.
By now or certainly by January you should have determined your “one thing” you plan to work on for 2008. You should have created goals for the year and made a budget.
The days of running a business and not investing money in research and development, specifically your continuing education in your business and the ability to grow it are long gone.
A disciplined approach to growing your business now requires that you continually grow yourself and implement best business practices.
If you haven’t already created your budget, set your goals and planned a growth and learning program for 2008, do one now. If you’d like help developing one and learning new tools and techniques to help your 2008 year reach it’s objectives, please consider our 6-week Get Your Year in Gear program. Best wishes for a prosperous 2008!